Do I permanently own my CoverMe phone numbers?

Sorry, but no.
CoverMe phone numbers are properties of Airbit Communication Limited. As you purchase them from CoverMe app, we’re actually leasing them to you with certain conditions. Each CoverMe phone number you apply is attached to a calling plan. Once the calling plan expires, the phone number attached to the calling plan will be suspended and ready to be reassigned to other users if you don’t renew it.

So, it is important to renew your calling plan before it expires if you still want to use your CoverMe phone number. If you don’t get your calling plan prolonged, your CoverMe phone number will be out of service and you can neither make a call nor be called by others. Worse still, the corresponding social media account will be out of use as well.

To get your business unstopped and yourself always stay online, it’s of great necessity to pay attention to the expiration of your CoverMe phone number so as to prolong its service in time.